July 30, 2020

Introduction to react for angular developers Part 1

You are an angular developer, but now you are getting a little bit confused, because everyone is talking about something called react? So take a look at this short practical comparison of these two big Frameworks and get an impression of the differences and similarities. Following, we will create the same app in both of […]

Lino Fischer
Developer at thecodecampus </>

April 30, 2020

Display the version and git hash in Angular

Display the version and git hash in Angular In this post I will explain the process to you that we at W11K use to display the git-hash and application version in our Angular Apps. I will briefly explain the motivation why we want to do this and show you how to use our Open Source […]

theCodeCampus Autor Kai Henzler

Kai Henzler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

April 14, 2020

How to start with cypress – End2End testing

Introduction Sometimes you need to test your application or website to make sure it works as it should. “End-2-End testing is a software testing methodology to test an application flow from start to finish. The purpose of End-2-End testing is to simulate a real user scenario and validate the system and its components for integration […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

February 11, 2020

Typescript delay with async/await

Sometimes it is necessary in JavaScript to delay/sleep a program for a certain time. Therefore we can generate this behavior ourselves using a small helper function, thanks to the asynchronous nature of javascript. For example:

With this we can delay the program flow for a certain time in the following function

But it […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

January 7, 2020

Using pipes with ngx-translate

Angular delivers it’s own i18n (internationalizion) API. Although the implementation is already very extensive and mature, some use cases are not covered. This also includes changing the language at run-time. When implementing Angular, a build must exist for each language. To close this gap, packages have been created that extend the functionality. A representative of […]

Janik Kessler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

October 21, 2019

New Typescript 3.7 Beta Features

With the TS 3.7 Beta release the version is now feature-complete and brings some new additions to the playingfield. In this post we want to highlight two new features, which can be helpful to save code and make it less error prone. Optional Chaining First we want to have alook at a common situation: retrieving […]

Janik Kessler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

September 27, 2019

CSS Custom Properties (Variables)

CSS Custom Properties is the formally correct name for the more commonly used synonym CSS variables. In this article we want to give you an insight how CSS variables help you to make CSS files more structured and semantically understandable, and how to modify them easily with JavaScript. Documents or applications of any size contain […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

September 4, 2019

Jenkins vs. Gitlab CI

With Gitlab CI going full steem ahead following their proclaimed vision, we want to have a look on it ourselves! Mostly working with the proven and beloved open source CI tool Jenkins, we are wondering, will Gitlab give us some new features and benefits or will it not be able to replace Jenkins as the […]

Janik Kessler
Developer at thecodecampus </>