April 14, 2020

How to start with cypress – End2End testing

Introduction Sometimes you need to test your application or website to make sure it works as it should. “End-2-End testing is a software testing methodology to test an application flow from start to finish. The purpose of End-2-End testing is to simulate a real user scenario and validate the system and its components for integration […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

September 27, 2019

CSS Custom Properties (Variables)

CSS Custom Properties is the formally correct name for the more commonly used synonym CSS variables. In this article we want to give you an insight how CSS variables help you to make CSS files more structured and semantically understandable, and how to modify them easily with JavaScript. Documents or applications of any size contain […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

December 2, 2018

Material 2: Sticky Footer with Mat Sidenav

My guess is your using Angular in combination with Angular Material and you desperately need a sticky footer, ideally, in a variable height. No need to look any further. This article will provide you with a basic solution for given circumstances. This article was updated and tested for Angular 7 and Material 2 Version 7.1.1 […]

theCodeCampus Autor Christian Heitmann

Christian Heitmann
Developer at thecodecampus </>

November 27, 2018

Improve performance with virtual scrolling in Angular – HowTo

Since the release of Angular 7, the Angular CDK includes a feature that can improve the performance of your application dramatically. Virtual scrolling is highly beneficial for dealing with a lot of data in tables or lists. You can improve performance for large lists in Angular with the Angular CDK virtual scrolling component. What is […]

theCodeCampus Autor Kai Henzler

Kai Henzler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

July 18, 2018

Angular, Preserving Query Params and Google AdWords

… and how all this leads to an incorrect source of traffic in Google Analytics and incorrect conversion attribution.   The situation is as follows: On www.thecodecampus.de we run an Angular 6 page. We advertise our product with Google AdWords. If a visitor comes via Google AdWords, the URL is appended with a glcid and several […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

March 2, 2018

The ‘this’ context of type ‘void’ is not assignable to method’s ‘this’ of type ‘Observable<{}>‘.

If you are experiencing this error – usually something with your RxJS imports is wrong. So you should go through them manually or simply delete all imports from RxJS in the corresponding file and let the IDE generate them again. Something broken could look like this:

Better working might be:

What is happening? RxJS […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

February 23, 2018

Creating a CORS Middleware in nest.js

Nest.js is a great framework for writing REST-API’s using Node.js. It features Angular’s dependency injection, an complete TypeScript integration and helps you with structuring your code. A common issue when working with REST-API’s is Cross-Origin-Request-Sharing (CORS), which keeps your Angular client from requesting resources which are located on another domain. Let’s pretend, for instance your […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>