April 30, 2020

Display the version and git hash in Angular

Display the version and git hash in Angular In this post I will explain the process to you that we at W11K use to display the git-hash and application version in our Angular Apps. I will briefly explain the motivation why we want to do this and show you how to use our Open Source […]

theCodeCampus Autor Kai Henzler

Kai Henzler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

February 11, 2020

Typescript delay with async/await

Sometimes it is necessary in JavaScript to delay/sleep a program for a certain time. Therefore we can generate this behavior ourselves using a small helper function, thanks to the asynchronous nature of javascript. For example:

With this we can delay the program flow for a certain time in the following function

But it […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

January 7, 2020

Using pipes with ngx-translate

Angular delivers it’s own i18n (internationalizion) API. Although the implementation is already very extensive and mature, some use cases are not covered. This also includes changing the language at run-time. When implementing Angular, a build must exist for each language. To close this gap, packages have been created that extend the functionality. A representative of […]

Janik Kessler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

April 17, 2019

Content Projection in Angular

What is Content Projection Those of you who already worked with angular.js 1.x might be already familiar with the concepts described in this post. In angular.js 1.x you might know this concept under the infamous name transclusion. It’s not a concept invented by the Angular Team but rather one that describes how content of any […]

theCodeCampus Autor Kai Henzler

Kai Henzler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

April 15, 2019

How to use Angular Environments shown with a Tetris Game

About Ng-dropping-stones is a small Tetris clone built with Angular 7. It can be played in the browser as well as on a raspberry pi based arcade machine, which we present at fairs (JavaLand, enterJS, Herbstcampus). History At first, ng-dropping-stones was designed for our arcade machine to present it on fairs. It was very well […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

April 1, 2019

Refactorable reactive forms in angular

Problem When creating forms with Angular, many accesses take place in the template using strings. This makes it difficult to perform refactorings automatically. It would be so desirable: Status quo Also the FormBuilder does not manage to get the problems better under control. It is only a help for the creation of the data structure […]

theCodeCampus Autor Sascha Engmann

Sascha Engmann
Developer at thecodecampus </>

December 11, 2018

Using git hooks to keep your codebase clean

Problem Let’s be honest – developers tend to be lazy. Whenever you start a new project you’re probably saying to yourself that you want to do everything better this time but often times your new project becomes the same mess as your previous one. I want to introduce a neat little trick that might help […]

theCodeCampus Autor Kai Henzler

Kai Henzler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

December 3, 2018

Nested Forms in Angular

This Article is based on Kara Ericksons talk about “Angular Forms” at the Angular Connect 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD_t3m2WMM8&amp=&index=15 I am going to give you a quick example to get started with nested Forms. TL;DR Extract the HTML in new Component Inject ControlContainer in new Component Access the Form via ControlContainer.control pass the parent Form into the […]

Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>