January 16, 2017

Trello Calendar Version 2

Recently we have released a new version of our Calendar for Trello. The project started as a learning project for interns at our company but fastly increasing user numbers made the relevance of this project clear to us. Shortly the calendar had acquired so many users, that we were hitting Trello’s API limit. We needed to improve the loading algorithm with a smarter pattern. Instead of scraping all boards for card only fresh cards should be fetched from the Trello API.

In the course of improving the loading strategy we also decided to update the project’s technology stack. The former underlying framework was AngularJS 1.4, which is already kind of obsolete. Instead of upgrading to the current version AngularJS 1 we wanted to move to the all new version Angular 2 with TypeScript.

To improve the storage behind the application we concluded to use Redux in the new version. The project ng2-redux provides a nice API to use a Redux store within Angular components. Redux itself excels through a really clean and strict concept. Also the ecosystem is very active. Thus we could simply add local storage persistence for the user’s data.

Since we started with Angular 2 in beta we experienced a lot of breaking changes. But they were always well documented. The biggest obstacle was actually the evolving ecosystem of Angular. We had to make use of alpha and beta dependencies and the underlying buildsystem (angular-cli) is still no way near production ready. Therefore proper internationalization and localization of the calendar is still missing. But we’ll add that as soon as possible. Because of the API issues with the first version of Calendar-for-Trello we decided to release our beta as early as possible.

So go ahead, visit our all new Calendar for Trello!

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